Mortal Instruments Role Play Wiki
Hyde Park

Hyde park

About Hyde Park
Hyde Park is one of London's largest recreational parks and one of its Royal Parks that form a chain towards the entrance of a royal palace to the parks. Lots can be seen at Hyde Park. You would want to enter it through the Apsley Gate, also called the Grand Entrance. There's a lot of sites of interest located in this park. You can take lessons of horse-riding down the historical Rotten Road, or speak your feelings out in the Speakers' Corner. Take a picture under Hyde's botanical curiosity, a Weeping Beech tree, and take the sculptures around the park in memory.And, of course, you mustn't miss Hyde Park's half of famous man-made lake, known as The Serpentine. Row boats with a friend as you calm your mood down and while eating some chips.

You'd think Hyde Park is just an ordinary yet a royal park, but be warned. The place is full of uncertain magic, unbeknownst to mundanes. For example, just below the Serpentine Bridge, a structure that marks the western boundary of Hyde Park and the eastern boundary of the Kensington Gardens, is a hidden entrance to the Faerieland.
