Mortal Instruments Role Play Wiki
The Serpentine


About The Serpentine
The Serpentine is a 40 acre recreational lake located in Hyde Park. Though, commonly, it is referred to the whole body of water, it strictly refers only to the eastern half of the lake. The western half of the lake is known as The Long Water, already in the area of the Kensington Gardens. The Serpentine takes its name from its snakelike, curving shape, even though it only has one bend. The lake (as a whole) has a maximum depth of 17 metres, so if you can't swim in deep waters, better not to jump in there, if it's even allowed (except for the swimming area in its south bank).Hire a rowing boat and bask in the lake's calmness as you row throughout the body of water. In summer, you can take a ride in the Solar Shuttle, a 14- metre solar powered boat that ferried passengers between the northern and southern banks of the The Serpentine.

The Serpentine Bridge, as you may or may not know, holds a secret entrance to the land under the hill.
